Mary Millan - CEO
Hi, I am Mary Millan. I own Millan Essentials, a family owned supplier of quality products made from natural ingredients. I also graduated from the American College of Healthcare Sciences with a certificate in Natural Product Manufacturing.
I am already an accountant, but I wanted to take my business to the next level and add some formal training specific to my industry. This training has given me a solid base of herbology, aromatherapy, and product formulation and safety.
Like me, some of you may have very sensitive, dry skin, suffer from asthma and may have allergies to many of the products available at traditional stores.
Because our skin is our largest organ, many of the chemicals in these products can cause health related issues. You will never find any of these worst offenders in our products:
Benzoyl Peroxide
Diethanolamine, Monoethinolamine, orTriethanolamine
Polyethylene glycol or Propylene glycol
FD&C Colors and pigments
Sodium lauryl sulfate
Chemical fragrances and preservatives
What you will find are ingredients like coconut oil, coconut milk, cocoa butter, honey, herbs and spices.
Basically, if you would not eat it, don't put it on your skin either. We developed a slogan to embody this philosophy "Feed Your Skin!".
It is amazing what can be done with a few simple, natural ingredients!
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